1st place goes to ... Interpersonal! People Smart!
2nd place goes to ... Logical! Number Smart!
3rd places (tied) goes to ... Intrapersonal and Linguistic! Myself and Word Smart!
Well, think that this is quite true, because I also think that I am a more social and logical person. I like to interact with my peers and I love getting to know more people. However, I didn't expected it to be the first and it should not be. I am not really a very "opened" person which means that I can't go all out to socialize and make new friends. Howevr, I like to maintain a friendly relationship with others. Thus, I value relationship with my peers, as well as my family members.
Now to logical. I was expecting it to the first, reason being that I like mathematics. Since the term logical is linked with "number smart", so is it that being good in maths makes me a logical person? Maybe that's the case for me. I also like to think about maths, and I enjoy the process of that. It trains my thinking skills. However, my thinking extends, not just in maths but in everything. I think about a lot of things and starts to have my own views about certain things. When I have the time (eg. on a bus), I would reflect on the day or the past and I often have many thoughts about the particular issue. Coming to maths, there is truth in the MI test that I am a logical person, but I was expecting it to the first instead.
Lowest: Musical and Naturalist. This is very true because I have few interactions with the nature nor music. At the very most, I only listens to music, but not composing one which sounds impossible for me. About naturalistic, I seldom observe the nature, I don't bird-watch nor anything else. I guess the reason is that I have little interest, as well as time to do that.

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