Saturday, September 5, 2009
Eating or drinking is not allowed in stations and trains
However, why plain water? When I first know that drinking plain water was not allowed, I was a little bit surprised and shocked. Do plain water causes any inconvenience to other commuters? I found out the reason, the staff could not identify whether the drink is sweet drink or just plain water unless they really try it. Therefore, they might as well ban plain water. There are also FINES, starting from July.
I do agree with the act of the SMRT to fine those who violate the ban. This is to ensure a conducive environment for commuters. If the ban is not strengthened, not many would take the ban seriously and continue with drinking and eating in trains and stations. Imagine that it is the peak hour and someone accidentally spill some plain water on the floor. People would not want to step on the puddle of water and nobody would be able to occupy the space of the puddle. Furthermore, when people accidentally step on the puddle of water, shoe prints will follow them and the floor will be dirty and wet. I would certainly not want to enter a train like that.
Especially in trains, people are more prone to spill water as the train might be unstable. Therefore, I agree with the actions of SMRT. However, what if there is an emergency? For example, babies might want to drink water or milk, or patients might want to eat their medicines, acompanying with some water. Especially for babies, the feeding time should not be delayed or else the baby would cry and create disturbance to others. It would be very troublesome for them to alight from the train and leave the station. I suggest that they could allow such cases to eat or drink in the trains since the SMRT staff would confront them first before any fines are made.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Favourtie Poet
He was an immigrant who didn't speak until he was 15 and yet he managed to be recognised in poetry, winning several awards in writing and poetry. This could not have been achieved without hard work and determination to strive. His memories of his childhood in a war-torn country did not prevent him from striving to the best, but an inspiration to motivate him.
Despite his childhood, he is a very humorous person. This is evident from one of his interview when he reflected on his childhood, "Germans and the Allies took turns dropping bombs on my head while I played with my collection of lead soldiers on the floor. I would go boom, boom, and then they would go boom, boom". His first impulse to write was actually when he saw his friends writing a poem to attract the best-looking girls and that was what he said in the interview. He knew that sobbing and crying in his pillow won't help anything. Therefore, he maintained his humor and carry on with life.
The following is 3 of his poems:
Against Winter
The truth is dark under your eyelids.
What are you going to do about it?
The birds are silent; there's no one to ask.
All day long you'll squint at the gray sky.
When the wind blows you'll shiver like straw.
A meek little lamb you grew your wool
Till they came after you with huge shears.
Flies hovered over open mouth,
Then they, too, flew off like the leaves,
The bare branches reached after them in vain.
Winter coming. Like the last heroic soldier
Of a defeated army, you'll stay at your post,
Head bared to the first snow flake.
Till a neighbor comes to yell at you,
You're crazier than the weather, Charlie.
Clouds Gathering
It seemed the kind of life we wanted.
Wild strawberries and cream in the morning.
Sunlight in every room.
The two of us walking by the sea naked.
Some evenings, however, we found ourselves
Unsure of what comes next.
Like tragic actors in a theater on fire,
With birds circling over our heads,
The dark pines strangely still,
Each rock we stepped on bloodied by the sunset.
We were back on our terrace sipping wine.
Why always this hint of an unhappy ending?
Clouds of almost human appearance
Gathering on the horizon, but the rest lovely
With the air so mild and the sea untroubled.
The night suddenly upon us, a starless night.
You lighting a candle, carrying it naked
Into our bedroom and blowing it out quickly.
The dark pines and grasses strangely still.
Read Your Fate
Little street,
You were too narrow,
Too much in the shade already.
You had only one dog,
One lone child.
You hid your biggest mirror,
Your undressed lovers.
Someone carted them off
In an open truck.
They were still naked, travelling
On their sofa
Over a darkening plain,
Some unknown Kansas or Nebraska
With a storm brewing.
The woman opening a red umbrella
In the truck. The boy
And the dog running after them,
As if after a rooster
With its head chopped off.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Figurative language
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
1) The figurative language used are simile, personification and metaphor. Simile is used in the title of the poem, as well as at the start of the poem, 'I wandered lonely as a cloud '.It is used to picture how she was wandering, alone, like clouds in the sky, no one to accompany them and drifting aimlessly as the wind blows. There is also metaphor, 'I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils'. The daffodils are compared as a crowd of people. Another example of metaphor Personification is used as well, 'golden daffodils' 'fluttering and dancing in the breeze'. Imagine a yellow flower fluttering and dancing as the breeze caressed the the daffodils.
2) I like this poem because it depicts the nature, the daffodils by the lake. I also like the way the poet describes the 'crowd' of daffodils. Due to the number of them, they remind the poet the milky way and the endless line of shiny stars. The fluttering of the daffodils was humanized as them engaging in a dance. In their fluttering and dancing, the daffodils outdo the waves of the lake while the poet enjoys the show and appreciated the nature.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Is progress beneficial for the society?
The government wants progress for the society, for the nation. So, what is progress?
Yes, progress is beneficial for the society only. With progress, technology and improvement to our daily areas occurs. A simple thing like changing your old normal phone to an i-phone or any phone with 3G services is a progress, with improvement to any area, personal or global. Throughout the past, technological innovations have helped humankind improve their standards of living, beginning with the simple invention of bone tools in prehistoric times, continuing on to and beyond modern air conditioners, computers, internet, etc. These are examples of progress and benefitted the society.
In the past, people are troubled with communicating in a distance. That's why phones are invented to solve the problem. Imagine that you are in grave danger and needed help immediately. That's when phones are used. Doesn't it benefit you and the society? Because of progress, modernisation occurs and we have lights, which creates the artificial day in the night and therefore we can study at night. We also have computers whereby important documents are made everyday and we have little worries about losing them.
However, there are also disadvantages as well. With handphones, radiation given off them and other hi-tech gadgets might have caused the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. With technology, there are global warming, pollution of the water, land and the air. A geography essay might follow this. Therefore, progress also causes environmental problems in terms of technology and modernisation.
With the above points, I conclude that progress is beneficial for the society but not at all beneficial for the environment.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Favourite character in VBTS
Though not mentioned in the story, she must be bothered with a lot of problems that her family is facing. She had to worry about the financial problems and where do she get the income to maintain the family? What should she do with her mother whose illness is getting worse everyday? How is she going to take care of her? How are Bela and Kamal doing in their studies and the demand for sweets, etc? How is she going to provide enough food for the whole family? All these are examples of the problems. Most of these problems are solved by the De Slivas who are the fairy god- parents for Lila.
Though the circumstances, Lila could still take care fo her family well. This is evident from Bela and Kamal being spoilt and still having a happy childhood. She also takes very good care of her mother both before Hari leaves for Bombay and after. She also sacrifices for the family without any complains as she scrimps and saves for her family while working in the mansion.
From the above points, it is obvious that Lila is an admirable character in VBTS and that causes Lila to be my favourite character in VBTS.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
City rat or Country rat?
When living in an urban place or living as a city rat, we have modern-day facilities like the Internet, telephone, television etc for communication and entertainment purposes. Can we live without them? People living in urban areas lead a luxurious and economically stable life as compared to those living in rural areas. We have greater availability of modern facilities due to the advancement in technology in the city.
Furthermore, if we are living in the villages, would you be looking at what I am typing to know about my opinion for urban and rural areas? If we are living in rural areas would we be able to browse others' blogs to acquire knowledge? There are a lot more educational facilities in urban areas than in rural areas. There are also a lot more career opportunities in urban than rural areas. There are also change in the city whereas there is little in villages. Would not it be boring if there are little change in your life?
Villagers in rural areas had to worry for their financial difficulty, causing them not to have enough food, leading to the fact that they are more prone to diseases due to malnutrition. Even if they have enough, how can they ensure that they are nutritional. Whereas in city areas, people are more conscious about their health and have a wide variety of food to choose from, because of the imports of resources from many different places. However, some may argue that we will be dependent on others for resources rather than being independent whereby we will grow food for ourselves in villages. My take would be that country rats have to work in the field to get food, just food or perhaps some money. However, city rats work to get money and the company would have economic development by developing in their respective field.
Not convinced? Beg to differ? Share your views!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Favourite part in Village by the Sea
His first impression of Bombay was rather interesting and it relates to us, while living in a similiar urban town as Bombay. The hill glittered like a great mount of jewels and the roads were lined with double rowed electric lights. These show how bright the electric lights is and the difference between his village Thul and Bombay. It shows the theme of modernisation and the debatable topic of the pros and cons of modernisation. He also described the elevator as a tiny cell which shows his lack of sophistication.
Bombay's pace of life is faster as compared to Thul's. This is evident from he pushing and shoving while they hurried to the Black Horse. Isn't this similiar to our pace of life in our city? There were reports about Singapore being the 'fastest city' with a time of 10.55s to cover 0.02km, if I had remembered correctly.
I also liked the speech made by Sayyid Ali and others. Sayyid Ali talked about the negative impacts of modernisation which I agreed. Factories pump deadly chemicals into the air and this pollutes the air for miles. There would also be water pollution whereby the fishes would be poisoned by the pollution and the fishes would poison the people who consume them.
Since the factories would be built at the villages, many of the villagers would have to move somewhere else but where could they move to? Bombay which is so crammed that people have to push and shove? There would also be not enough of jobs and many would be reduced to beggars on the pavements of the city instead of their life in green paddy fields and coconut groves.
I shall end here. Any comments?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Move in please!
It was quite an embarrassment for Singaporeans though. With the shouting and the commotion, many turned their heads and tried to catch a glimpse of what is happening. Many stared at the rear of the bus, trying to find out who was the 'guilty one'. With the posters written 'Please move to the rear' on buses, I don't understand why people still not want to go all the way to the back. What benefits are there if they stand near the front?
It is an act of courtesy to move to the rear, for the benefits of the people who had just board a bus during peak hours. I also noticed that sometimes people like to talk to their friends who are sitting, while they are standing. This blocks people from moving and inconvenient to try to squeeze and get past him or her. Some just do not want to move, for unknown reason. People around him(her) can tell him(her) to move, or try to get past him(her).
Although many will move in, but just one person is enough to have the negative impression of the people in the whole bus or even as Singaporeans. Therefore, let's be courteous and move in to the rear so that the commuters at the front will not be crammed.
Just a slight note, please comment or at least tag at my blog if you don't have any. I appreciate it, at least I know that there are readers reading my blog. :D
Monday, May 18, 2009
CA Discussion - Video Gaming (part 2)
I agree with topic that video gamers will benefit the society and there is not much harmful effects on gamers.
If the gamers have a sane mindset, they would not be addicted to the video games and would not play more and more when they are not supposed to. I also would like to take the opportunity to ask readers of this blog if they play violent video games before. I am sure that some would say yes, and of those of you, none of you went to the streets to kill people due to video gaming. Therefore, how can video gaming lead to violence?
There are also many benefits of video gaming. Video games are an excellent way to relieve stress. They provide a fun and social form of entertainment. Reading a book or watch a movie are ways to get our mind off of our problems. Basically, they allow people to be transported to a fictional world for awhile. Video gaming works the same way as well or even better, so why should video gaming be criminalized?
Video gaming is also mentally good for children. It encourages teamwork, cooperation and creativity when they are playing with others. Video gaming will also improve logical thinking that had been neglected in these days. Nearly all video games train our mind in thinking logically. Video gaming increases children's self-confidence and self-esteem as they master games too.
Quicker decision making is trained when you play video games. Most games give you a time limit on reaching a decision, either in the form of a formal timer or in the form of somebody rushing at you with a shotgun or sword. Video gaming also develop skills in reading, mathematics and problem-solving.
Video games can improve eye-hand coordination, reaction time and fine motor skills. Researchers found that surgeons who spent at least three hours a week playing video games made about 37% less mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and performed the task 27% faster than their counterparts who did not play video games. This shows that eye-hand coordination is improved when we play video games.
From the above arguments, it is actually enough to show that there are many benefits in video gaming.
CA Discussion – Video Gaming (part 1)
To refresh your memory, here is the debate topic:
Video gamers should not be generally criminalized as suffering from a medical condition, as they have much to offer that will benefit society.
Firstly, I will be disagreeing with the topic. I believe video gaming is easily addictive and the authorities should recognize the social threat posed by the increasing number of video game addicts.
Let us define the word, ‘addiction’. It is when a person needs more and more of something to keep him going and if the person does not get more of something, he becomes irritable and miserable. Some of the game addicts actually commented that when they were playing the game, they can’t just get up and walk away. From the above evidence and my definition, it is evident that video gaming is easily addictive. Others commented that the higher level they get, the longer they have to stay on it to move onward, and they would be addicted when it wasn’t fun anymore.
In violent video games, games characters which have been killed are brought back to life. Therefore, players who have learned to use violence to solve problems in these video games may start acting violently in real life, causing them to be aggressive and out of control. Some children do not understand that when you kill someone, they cannot come back to life, as depicted by many video games. Players also kill enemies, vanquish rivals, and overcome obstacles in video games. Therefore, players will relate it to real life and think that using violence is alright.
Although players compete with friends online, the fact is that they are still sitting alone in front of their monitors. This isolation will cause an increase in the separation from their family and friends. Players will drop out of their social networks and giving up other hobbies. There are also chances for adventure and heroism and romance in video games which are rarely found in real life. They will start to think that video games is real life, or at least a more interesting place to be than in the real world. However, that’s the virtual world.
I also believe if game addicts are banned playing video games, they will become more interested in real life, and less interested in the conjured up fake life.
Form the above pointers, I believe that video gaming is easily addictive and that authorities should recognize the social problems and take action to control video games in the same way that tobacco or alcohol use is restricted.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Should Bela and Kamal be sensible? - Village by the sea
Hari's two younger siblings attend school and they are both impatient and playful, like what typical children behaves. However, because of the family's impoverished conditions, the younger sisters' immaturity are not accepted by readers. They should behave more sensibly. One example of their immaturity is that when they walked past a shop, they wanted Hari to buy them sweets, in spite of their family's financial conditions.They bargained and Hari insisted that he had no money and therefore no sweets for them.
Coming back to the topic, I think that the younger siblings should be more sensible. Hari and Lila were trying their best to make ends meet, one trying very hard to look for jobs and earn money, another taking care of the house and their sick mothers. However, the two girls were immature and even asked for sweets which is unnecessary.
However, 'my' sensible is not that they go to work and stop their education or follow what Hari and Lila did. That was what most of the people who agreed with this topic said. I believe that they should focus on their studies and not complain or ask for sweets. Being sensible does not just means that they have to work or stop their education. If they stop their education, they will not find higher pay jobs due to their literacy level and become poor and the whole cycle will restart again and again. This was also what we discussed in class. Therefore, if they focus on their studies, they will get higher pay jobs and not be poor anymore. Isn't this more sensible?
Due to the word limit, I shall end here. I welcome comments so kindly comment! :D
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Track and Field Finals
I went for the Track and Field Finals at Choa Chu Kang Stadium last Thursday. 9 Sec 1 classes were supposed to go there to cheer for HCI and show the Hwa Chong Spirit. We went to the Stadium and expected to win, since the seniors told us that HCI has been winning in the 'C' divisions for the eighth consecutive year, now ninth. We had also been winning in the 'B' divisions for the eighteenth consecutive year, now nineteenth. HCI triumphed in both 'B' divisions and 'C' divisions Boys and clinched second and third in 'A' division Girls and Boys respectively.
The finals started without my knowing, since there wasn't any announcement to commence. I thought they were warming up but the real match had already begun. I am referring to the high jump and javelin throws. It was not very obvious who the winners of the both events were since we did not know the individual distance of their throw/ height they jump. However, the obvious one would be the race.
The seniors also told us that 90% of event is already over, with the points recorded down and becoming history. We will for sure win in the 'B' divisions Boys, even if we lose this 10%, according to them. They are not so sure about the 'C' divisions Boys, but we should be able to win. However, it was quite dangerous for the 'A' divisions.
In the end with the results release (refer to the top for the results), HCI cheered and sang the school song with our principal, Dr Hon. Everyone shouted and demanded for a holiday. It was granted with a thumbs-up by our principal.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
For this post, I am going to talk about good water saving habits. I am sure that everyone knows a few of water saving tips so I am going to talk about some that we are not so familiar with. There were a lot of good water saving habits that were mentioned in the pamphlets but I am only going to touch on 2 due to the word limit and the length of the post.
1)Monitor your water bills. Check your monthly water bills to monitor your family's water consumption. From what I understand, there is also a graph at the back of the bills to show you the water consumption of the past few months and the national average for the type of apartment you are in. If your consumption is more than the average, re-look your family's water usage habits and try to keep it under the national average.
2) Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Some people like to dispose tissues, insects and other similar waste into the toilet. Dispose them in the trash rather than the toilet.
Apart from the above tips, I will also like to share some facts about how easy it is to save water.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sec 1 Camp
On the first day, we set off to the campsite. It was like a forest with many trees and tents. My group was told to sleep in tents. I heard that some other groups( If I am right, groups 1-13) sleep in dorms and A harts(hope I spell it right). Unlucky. Why don't they take in one more group and we don't need to sleep on floorboards and the grass and soil?
The activity that was the best on the first was the 'Milo Pond'. It is actually a mud pool. We have to wear a PFD whereby it helps us float on water for around 4 hours (for safety reasons). We had to climb the ladder up(quite high) and slide down on a slide to the mud pool. If I was given the opportunity to try it again, I would certainly will. I don't know how to describe the feeling when I slide down and hit the water but it was very trilling. When I came out of water, I was soaked with my clothes sticking on my skin. However, we were not allowed to take a shower yet. We still had to do one more activity before showering.
On the next day, there were many activities that was not really fun but it needs our group's teamwork and co-operation with each other. One of them was the giant's finger. There is a kind of a pole on the ground, about 3.5m and there is also a tyre. I am not sure how to explain, so I surf the net and got this picture on :

We had to lift it over the pole and put it back again. After many failed attempts, we still couldn't get that tyre out of the pole. One of the teachers told us the method to solve it and we follow it. After some guidance by that teacher again, we manage to get that tyre out. I was the one of the base people whereby Yu Siang was standing on me with his shoes on!
On the last day, it's time to say farewell to the camp. However, before that, there is something we need to do. We have to strike down the tent and clean the canvas. The canvas was very big and it was very tiring to clean the dirt off. Some use dry cloth, some use a wet one and the rest use their bare hands. After 2 hours or so, we then manage to done everything.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Reading Habit
Talking about my reading habit this time round. I just created a weRead account under the supervision of Ms Lim. You can created one too with the link at the link list.
I don't read much english books since the PSLE. Therefore, I am quite worried about what I should write for this post. I don't have a reading habit! Took a look at and found out that almost all the book titles are there. I saw some books that I really like to read in the past there as well. I don't mean fairy tales but books that are really good. For example, some books written by Roald Dahl like Matilda, James and the Gaint Peach when I was in around P4.
Later in the year, I read some of the books in the Chronicles of Narnia. The next 2 years, I started to read widely under the recommendation of my primary school teachers. One of the books that I really like is "Bridge to Terabithia". It is about a boy named Jess and a new girl in school named Leslie or something like that. I can't remember clearly. Jess and his fellow schoolmates were having a race to see who runs the fastest and Jess had practiced all Summer for it and the new girl, Leslie actually beat the boys.
It turns out that Leslie was Jess' neighbour and that was when their frendship began. They invented a new magical world like Narnia, which they called Terabithia. They reigned as king and queen in Terabithia. Nearly to the end, Leslie died in an accident when she was going to Terabithia. What happened next? What happened to Jess? I am not telling. :D You have to read it yourself to find out.
Some of the books that I would like to read is "Tuesdays with Morries" and "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" both by Mitch Albom. These books are recommended by my friends which I believed that they are quite nice. It has been a long time since I want to read it but I just don't have the opportunity to do so.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Three ways to save the environment
Sorry for neglecting my blog for so long. Tests are coming and I had to study for them thus I do not have much time to blog.
Three ways to save the environment:
Shower instead of bathing. An average bath uses about 80 litres of water, whereas a shower uses between 30-50 litres depending on the type of shower and how long you shower for. In other words, taking a shower uses an average of 40-60% less water and energy than a standard bath!
Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth. Brush your teeth first and then turn on the water to rinse. You can use a glass of water to rinse your mouth. You can save up to 8 gallons of water a day simply by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth in the morning and at night.
Turn off lights when you're not using them. If you are out for 15 minutes or more, you should turn off the lights. Leaving your lights on when no one is in the room is a huge waste of energy and money. You can even put little reminders around your switch plates to remind your family. A normal bulb will use 60 watts of energy an hour, meaning that you could conserve nearly 22,000 watts of energy per year by just switching off one bulb for one hour every day. That’s enough energy to power one month worth of evening TV viewing!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Who "killed" Adeline?
Coming to the main topic, who “killed” Adeline? Those who do not know, it is based on Little Ironies by Catherine Lim. So, what caused Adeline to commit suicide? I think that there are many reasons which lead to Adeline’s death. One of them could be the fact that Adeline’s teacher did not give the 1 mark for Adeline’s English Language examinations which is needed for her to pass the examinations. Another could be that her parents were demanding her to study and often compare Adeline with their friends’ children and caused Adeline to be stressful.
However, I think that the one who really killed Adeline is herself. It is actually her attitude towards studying. She could have be more optimistic and look through her paper to see where the mistake lies and improve, rather than to commit suicide.
According to her teacher, she was good and stable in secondary 1 and 2. However, the year before the incident happened, she suddenly changed. That year, Adeline did not seem able to concentrate and interested in her work. That could be the reason why she failed the examinations. So, why did she suddenly change?
I think that it is the fact that she is not emotionally stable. In her diary, she wrote that her parents were demanding her to study and that she really wanted to study. One could read from her diary that she was almost crazy when she wrote that diary entry. As I had mention earlier, she was probably stressed out by her parents. However, her parents’ advice to study hard should act as a motivation to Adeline. In conclusion, I think that no one is to blame for Adeline’s death but herself.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What is education?
Education is actually the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. Moral values are taught too. Education can be done in school (public education), self-education or homeschooling.
In school, teachers may draw on many subjects, including reading, writing, mathematics, science and history. Public education is education mandated for or offered to the children of the general public by the government, whether national, regional, or local, provided by an institution of civil government, and paid for.
It is possible for man to educate himself without help or support from others. That is the self-education. Self-educated people are not dependent on others for knowledge. If they need a specialized skill, they know how to acquire it.
Homeschooling is the education of children at home, typically by parents or professional tutors, rather than in a public or private school. The motivations for homeschooling range from a dissatisfaction with the schools in their area to the desire for better academic test results.